Category / art / art / machine learning / research
latent nitsch … experiments in art and machine learning
latent_nitsch_6k … the green series: 3 unique prints, pigment print on Hahnemühle Photo Matt Fibre 200g, size: 80 x 100 cm latent_nitsch_9k … the black series: 3 unique prints, pigment print on Hahnemühle Photo Matt Fibre 200g, size: 80 x 100 cm latent_nitsch_9k … the red series: 3 unique prints, pigment print on Hahnemühle Photo…
SOS brutalism … AzW insta photo award
“ion luca”, one of my photographs, has been selected from almost 500 entries as one of ten winners of the AzW insta photo award, which is part of its SOS brutalism exhibtion. All winners can be seen here and will be on diplay at the Architekturzentrum Wien until august 6th 2018. prints of my picture…
danke otto!
“tresorstiege”, one of my instagram pics has been voted “picture of the week” in the #wagner2018 photo competition and will be on display at the wien museum as part of their otto wagner exhibition until october 7th 2018.
spqr invaders
“SPQR invaders” is a set of two motives taken inside the Pantheon’s vault in Rome during sunset.