Category / publication / architecture / exhibition / publication
BUGAIK 2018 … weikersdorf castle annex
weikersdorf castle residence & spa annex was on display in the 2018 BUGAIK International Architecture Exhibition, organized by the Busan Chapter of the Architectural Institute of Korea and is published in the accompanying catalog.
BUGAIK 2017 … little sister in a dress
little sister in a dress, vienna’s smallest residential building, was exhibited in the 2017 BUGAIK International Architecture Exhibition, organized by the Busan Chapter of the Architectural Institute of Korea and is published in the accompanying catalog.
BUGAIK 2016 … casa nina
casa nina was on display in the 2016 BUGAIK International Architecture Exhibition, organized by the Busan Chapter of the Architectural Institute of Korea and is published in the accompanying catalog.
gebaut: 2010 – 2015 … casa nina
Gebaut: 2010 – 2015, a recent publication by the City of Vienna’s municipal Department for Architecture and Urban Design (MA 19) features casa nina as one of the best buildings realized in Vienna from 2010 to 2015.
häuser des jahres … casa nina
“durchsichtige motive” – “transparent motives” is the title of the latest article about casa nina, our award-winnning residential building in vienna. Selected amongst the 50 best single family houses of 2015, it is published in the book Häuser des Jahres: Die 50 besten Einfamilienhäuser 2015.
planete robot … ou les immeubles s’animent!
5subzero’s 2003 research project topoTransegrity was featured in an article about robotic architecture called ou les immeubles s’animent! by amandine schmitt in the february/march issue of planete robots, a new french magazine about robot culture.
cross.section 02 … urban compression meidling
urban compression meidling, our latest design project, is published in cross.section 02, the latest publication on excellent student work by institute for architecture and housing at the TU vienna.